Memories of Jazbanda, Katora Lake and Kumrat Valley (Part 2)

Memories of Jazbanda, Katora Lake and Kumrat Valley (Part 2)

August 29, 2018 0 By Hamid Latif

Part 2: Jazbanda

At last I was at Jazbanda, it was amazing one could see snow covered peaks all around this lush green meadow. Sattar and Junaid were offering Magrib prayer when I reached to them. Camp was ready for camping I put my backpack inside the camp and left to survey the surroundings. Locals were building hotels for the tourists. We were told that there are camps available up there at Jazbanda but now I could see wooden huts as hotels at Jazbanda.

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Sattar and junaid offering Magrib prayer under the shadow of magnificent peaks at Jazbanda

Very few tourists had known this place, three years back only few adventurers and nature lovers used to come to this place but then three years back Imran Khan, yes the Imran Khan came to Kumrat valley and his video of praising this valley had gone viral. That was the turning point for this area. People from other parts of country who felt that this area was not safe before Imran Khan visited now were feeling safe to visit Upper Dir, Kumrat valley and hence many people had also started to visit Jazbanda and Katora lake. One can reach Kumrat valley easily even on one’s own car but to reach Jazbanda one needs four hours tiring and steep hiking. This is why still few people reach to this point as compare to Kumrat valley but still the number has been raised and now this has become a tourist point. Hence hotels construction was mandatory but I noticed that on one side these commercial activities provide business for local which is boosting their economy but on other hand locals are cutting trees for construction of hotels and guest houses, which is affecting the echo system and further more tourist from civilized world litter at these places which is also polluting the environment.

It was night and very much cold, we were trying to settle ourselves in the camp. Camp was single layered and because it did not have the rain protective layer we were worried about rain and cold. There was a newly built hut near our camp the owner of that hut came to us and offered us room for rent. We took this opportunity as blessing and after a small negotiation we were in that hut. It was 1000 Rs for one room and it was not bad. It was getting colder and I was very tired and hungry. The owner came to us and asked about dinner. I don’t know why but both Sattar and Junaid unanimously decided not to have it. We just had our breakfast early in the morning at Upper Dir and nothing since then. I looked at them with surprise, how could they not be hungry? But they were ready to sleep. I still don’t know why but I foolishly decided not to have dinner as they were not having it. I thought it would be really against the norms to have dinner alone. So I did not have dinner which later on proved to be fatal for me.

I was not feeling sleepy so I went out and noticed that there was a bonfire on backside of our hut arranged by hut’s owner. The owner with our two porter friends and some locals were enjoying the fire. They asked me to join them. The fire was a big relief in that chilling cold. We began to discuss politics (Hot topic for most of Pakistanis) during this discussion I observed that locals were very much politically mature and aware of the situation. I just want to give one example.

During discussion I asked a local person, “I think people of Kumrat are in favor of people’s party”.

“How can you say that?” he asked me.

“I have seen many flags of people’s party on local houses”, I replied.

He laughed and said, “Flags don’t indicate our vote choice, if someone come to our house and request us to hang their party flag we regard that person but when we will go for vote, we will vote the person of our choice as no one will be seeing us while casting vote”.

I was surprised and at the same time happy to know that. While we were discussing that who would be our next prime minister, Sattar and Junaid also came out and joined the discussion. Soon the discussion was shifted towards how to find direction from stars. When we got exhausted from discussion we started to sing songs. We had lots of fun and enjoyed the bonfire a lot but now it was too late and we wanted to leave for Katora Lake early in the morning so we decided to go to sleep.

Actually I couldn’t sleep properly the whole night first there were our neighbors shouting and laughing loudly and when they slept our friend had to go out on nature call one by one whole night. After a terrible night I got up early in the morning when Sattar and Junaid also got up for prayer, after offering prayer they went to bed again but I on the other hand decided to see the sunrise on those snow covered mountains of Jazbanda.

I took my camera and went out for capturing the mesmerizing beauty of the place. It was just like painting, fresh water flowing throw small channels, snow on the mountains, lush green fields with horses and cattle grazing. Actually it was way more than a painting as I could inhale fresh air and walk on that soft grass. Sattar and Junaid both missed it but on the other hand I missed the sweet dreams they both had while sleeping.

Yes! I did not have proper sleep and also had not eaten properly since last morning and I was ready to hike for Katora Lake. I was actually over estimating myself which I never had done before. Anyways I witnessed the sunrise absorbed the purity and peace of the place no luxury can replace these feelings.

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Horses grazing at lush green meadow of Jazbanda early in the morning

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A painting of fresh water flowing through the green fields of Janbanda meadow

I came back in room took my tooth brush, a soap, shampoo sashay and towel and went to a stream of fresh water. Water was very cold I had a half liter bottle which I filled with water and poured it on my head to shampoo hair, the feeling is indescribable, only those who have the experience can feel the chill of that cold water. Brushed my teeth and washed my face with same freezing water. When I was done with this I noticed I forgot to bring my razor and I now had to go back almost one mile to hut to get it. I on the other hand got an idea and filled the half liter bottle with water and went back to hut. I knew everybody would still be sleeping and there was no one to arrange water. I used that soap and half litter of water to shave and used it to wash my face again. After this difficult exercise now I was fresh and then I went to the empty camp where I changed my clothes. When I came out a cow was waiting for me out side it jumped into our camp and stood there as if now it was the owner of the camp. Cow chewed our only soap as if it was chewing the gum. May be it was trying to clean its teeth. I don’t know what its intention was but I had to do something to get that cow out of camp. So I went to the back side of camp and gave it a gentle push which was enough to get it out.


We left Junaid sleeping in the camp at evening and when opened the camp next morning; Junaid !

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A beautiful scenery on back side of our hut where one can see the jungle and the mountain of kumrat valley.

Everyone was sleeping and I was sitting on a colorful mat in soothing sun shine and was thinking, how peaceful and quiet this place was. I wanted to open my eyes every morning at a place like this but to be honest life is very hard over there. I was ready for Katora Lake track but Sattar and Junaid were still sleeping. To save the time I went to Kitchen to see if there was something for breakfast. Luckily cook was sleeping in the kitchen; I woke him up and requested him to serve breakfast. Then I went to the room and woke Sattar up, he was not willing to get up as he also could not sleep properly last night and he finally was able to sleep just two hours before, after Fajar prayer, but this is Sattar’s habit once he wakes up he can sleep again quickly so he decided to have breakfast. Soon Junaid also got up and we were ready for breakfast.

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This hen was dying to eat our breakfast but somehow we ate it first. (A dream place for breakfast)

I wish I could have every breakfast at a place like Jazbanda every morning but that morning I could not eat a single Paratha. I waited for almost half an hour for Sattar and Junaid to come out for breakfast which made parathas stiff and that was the reason I could not eat a single one on the other hand Junaid ate six parathas and I was simple watching him eat. There were another group of boys from Lahore came to Jazbanda and they were also planning to go to Katora Lake. They reached yesterday at almost 11 pm and were very much tired. One of them was very much reluctant to go to Katora Lake. I told him that the Lake is the jewel of this valley so he must visit it. I told him that if I could go there he could also easily go there but he was in a relaxing mood and was not willing to put himself in trouble. I tried my best to encourage him but then I left him to decide on his own.

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Junaid was busy in eating 6 Parathas while all of us were giving him moral support.

After finishing breakfast we strolled around the meadows and took some pictures. It was a sunny day and everything around us was crystal clear. We wanted to stay more at Jazbanda but time was short as we had to reach Katora Lake early as we had plans to come back and go all the way to Jandrai instead of staying at Jazbanda.

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Enjoying the sunshine in cold morning at Jazbanda meadows

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Three musketeers ready to conquer the Katora Lake

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A Gladiator rising above the ground to challenge Katora Lake track

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Reflection of the beautiful snow covered mountain at Jazbanda

Me at reflection lake or should I call it reflection pond